An Improved Coverage Hole Finding System for Critical Applications Based on Computational Geometric Techniques

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Anitha Christy Angelin
Salaja Silas


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) contain coverage holes caused by both random node sensor deployment and malfunctioning nodes. Because fixing the battery is challenging, collaborative discovery and assessment of coverage shortfalls, as well as getting rid of these holes, has been recognized as critical in WSNs. While placing nodes for sensors in a large-scale WSN is challenging. This research provides a cost-effective coverage hole detection approach based on collaborative distributed point placement. Create a polygon first by employing an angle estimate approach and neighbor data. Following that, a based on points hole identification technique is used to assess if a coverage issue appears in a large-scale WSN's supplied ROI. Furthermore, the region of the coverage hole is estimated using computational geometry-based polygonal triangulation methods. The accuracy of the method is tested here using statistical data. The results show that it outperforms earlier coverage hole-detecting algorithms. In particular, the method improves coverage rate by 75% when compared to conventional methodologies. It also lowers energy usage by 90%, adding to increased network lifetime. The quantitative favourable results demonstrate the effectiveness of the collaborative distributed point placement technique in detecting and successfully resolving coverage gaps in WSNs. In regards to coverage rate, energy consumption, and network longevity, the system being proposed beats previous coverage hole-detecting techniques.

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Special Issue - Scalable Dew Computing for future generation IoT systems