A Study on Optimizing Error Detection and Correction Strategies in Physical Education and Sport Teaching using Data Mining Algorithms

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Ziyao Gao
Shengfei Hu
Guo Yu
Yinhui Li


In the fiercely competitive realm of sports and physical education, the application of data mining algorithms has emerged as a vital solution. Machine learning has streamlined processes, offering a seamless means of elevating the quality of education and training provided to students, particularly in the context of sports. This technological support empowers the sports education system to make more informed decisions pertaining to the physical development of aspiring athletes. In this comprehensive study, a blended approach of qualitative methods has been leveraged to gather intricate insights, enriching the overall understanding of the subject. Additionally, an in-depth exploration of articles and journals has been undertaken to scrutinize the practical implementation of data algorithm techniques geared towards enhancing physical training. The resultant findings underscore a substantial and tangible nexus between data algorithms and the domain of sports education. Of paramount significance is the central role played by data mining algorithms in augmenting performance. Notably, the National Sports Board (NSB) has extensively harnessed this technology to meticulously monitor players' on-field performance, ultimately leading to a granular comprehension of each player's capabilities. This paper emphasizes the methods of optimizing mistake detection and its joining systems for increasing the punishment in the operational procedures.

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Special Issue - Scalability and Sustainability in Distributed Sensor Networks