Minimizing Overhead through Blockchain for Establishing a Secure Smart City with IoT Model

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Zhixiong Xiao


Conventional safety measures are inconsistent with inexpensive technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) due to their significant storage traces, which are prohibitive to their utilization. The blockchain (BC) framework maintains the five essential security primitives: genuineness, credibility, secrecy, accessibility, and non-renunciation. Most IoT gadgets have limited resources, so a traditional blockchain deployment is inappropriate. Traditional deployment of blockchain computing in the Internet of Things leads to significant power consumption, delay, and computational inefficiency. The proposed solution improves the blockchain's conception to serve IoT technologies better. This article proposes a blockchain-based intelligent city design for the IoT that keeps all encryption safety precautions in place. Adding blockchain to an IoT platform does not add much extra labour. After comparing all safety requirements to existing literature, it is clear that the proposed method achieves satisfactory safety effectiveness.

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Special Issue - Next generation Pervasive Reconfigurable Computing for High Performance Real Time Applications