Target Image Processing based on Super-resolution Reconstruction and Machine Learning Algorithm

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Chunmao Liu


This article proposes a target image processing method based on super-resolution reconstruction and machine learning algorithms, which solves the low-resolution problem in medical images during imaging. This method uses nonlocal autoregressive learning based on a medical image super-resolution reconstruction method. The autoregressive model is introduced into the sparse representation-based medical image super-resolution reconstruction model by utilizing medical image data inherent nonlocal similarity characteristics. At the same time, a clustering algorithm is used to obtain a classification dictionary, improving experimental efficiency. The experimental results show that ten randomly selected CT/MR images are used as test images, and each image's peak signal-to-noise ratio and structural similarity values are calculated separately. Compared with other methods, the method proposed in this paper is significantly better and can achieve ideal results, with the highest value being 31.49. This method demonstrates the feasibility of using super-resolution reconstruction and machine learning algorithms in medical image resolution.


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Special Issue - Next generation Pervasive Reconfigurable Computing for High Performance Real Time Applications