A multi-level power grid enhanced identity authentication data management platform based on filtering algorithms

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Caiqin Nong
Hong Zou
Jiafa Zhang
Jiahao Liu
Pengfei Shao
Jiawei Jiang
Jiao Xie


In response to the optimal extraction of DCT coefficients in facial images, the author proposes a DCT coefficient extraction method based on discriminant analysis. Based on the discriminant analysis of DCT coefficients, the DCT coefficients with high discriminant values are selected as features. Comparing the DPA based discrete cosine coefficient selection method proposed by the author with the traditional Zigzag discrete cosine coefficient selection method, experiments were conducted on the ORL face database and the Yale face database, respectively. The recognition performance on the ORL face database was higher than that on the Yale face database, as the facial image expression and lighting changes in the ORL database were relatively few, making it suitable for extracting key features. In response to the problem that the speech parameter MFCC is greatly affected by noise and can only reflect the static characteristics of speech, the author extracted gamma pass filtering cepstrum coefficients with human auditory characteristics and gamma pass sliding differential cepstrum coefficients that can reflect the dynamic characteristics of speech based on gamma tone filters and sliding differential cepstrum. In the NUST603 speech database, under pure background, the recognition rate based on GFSDCC features reached 89.88%, and the recognition effect based on GFCC features was 87.52%, which is 4.66% and 2.36% higher than that based on MFCC features. In noisy environments, the average recognition rates of speaker recognition systems based on GFCC and GFSDCC are 56.06% and 59.07%, while the average recognition rates of speaker recognition systems based on MFCC speech features are 53.89%, 2.17% and 5.18% higher, respectively. The gain in this recognition effect comes from the characteristics of the auditory model, as the Gammatone filter effectively reflects the noise resistance of the human auditory system.

Article Details

Special Issue - Deep Learning-Based Advanced Research Trends in Scalable Computing