Intelligent Classroom Note-taking Application Software with Higher Performance

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Li Zhuang


In the process of multimedia teaching, it is common for learners to miss out on important notes and fail to summarize and organize the course content in a timely manner, resulting in a lower learning efficiency. Aim: This paper designs an intelligent classroom note-taking application software that combines traditional note-taking with the internet, based on the needs analysis of both teachers and learners. This software utilizes the single shot multibox detector and MobileNet to build a network platform, and establishes a MySQL-based database. It has been deeply developed using various intelligent algorithms and technologies, and includes modules for learning notes, searching, recognition, and recording. Through Testin and usage testing by learners and teachers, the proposed software has been proven to effectively recognize and record learning content, ensuring the recording and expansion of teacher’s knowledge points, ultimately improving students’ learning efficiency. Based on the current situation of classroom note-taking, this paper explains the level of learners’ awareness of classroom note-taking and the problems of note-taking in the classroom, and summarizes the design ideas and basic requirements of a classroom note-taking application. The design process of an intelligent classroom note-taking application is proposed, and the design and development of the software is further completed.

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Special Issue - Scalable Computing in Online and Blended Learning Environments: Challenges and Solutions